Stop Hair Loss Tips Answered

"I have suffered from hair loss for almost 6 month (I don't remember how long for sure now) I'm glad I made it stop"

Stop the rest of my hair from falling out by scoobob

over the last 6 months I have lost 50% of my hair. The doc said it could be female pattern baldness. I am freaking out. My hair is long and still growing – whats left of it. Is rogain the only answer?

-Best Wisher to scoobob

How I did it: when I noticed that I thought it is just result of stress
cause usually when I through stress period I get dandruff
so I said maybe this time I will have hair fall
here comes a month & still my hair falling so I told my mom she bought me a products {{shampoo & ets}} no thing work with me
then she took me to the hospital
they examined me
I found that I have health issues but non of them related with my hair loss
finally I went to a good doctor
he gave me what it need
he gave me pills & two kinds of hair spray & advices
I didn't use them so regularly but they made it stop

so don't go to any doctor go to excellent one
& yah you should see doctor you don't know why your hair is falling maybe that alert for something.


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