Bear in mind that there are too many factors that course hair loss and baldness. This lead to different way in preventing hair loss.

Many men around the world are facing the problem of male pattern baldness, a common condition among middle-aged men. Some men start losing their hair as young as their early 20's, but that doesn't mean you have to live your life hairless on your head.
There are various methods of treating male pattern baldness that don't include using cheap useless spray-on products which are only temporary solutions that won't give you any lasting satisfaction. You want the feeling of real natural hair that nobody including yourself can tell the difference from the real hair you were born with.
Another product to treat your hair loss is called Provillus .An all-natural hair loss solution that has been proven to work for hundreds of thousands of people all over the world. The natural vitamins in this product make it so there are no negative side-effects and you get to get your hair back quick.
Never run risks with your health and your scalp so choose carefully. Many of the hair loss solutions on the market today deliver little to no results, so you don't waste your time and money on a product that won't get you where you need to be.